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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss


Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding can be defined as the pursuit of lean muscle mass. The importance of a proper diet to accomplish this goal cannot be understated. In fact, many experts argue that diet can account for up to 90% of a person's success at building their body. Fortunately, there is an easy-to-follow meal plan that works like magic to burn fat and gain muscle.

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

In this day and age of fad diets and trendy diets and so on, it is important to note that bodybuilding involves a lifestyle. Regular, intense and goal-oriented training sessions combined with an intelligent approach to eating will promote the development of a muscular physique that most trainees desire. What is required is discipline, patience, persistence and consistency. All of these attributes are favourable and can lead one to success in not only physique goals, but also in personal and professional pursuits.

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss
Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

When an individual adopts bodybuilding as a lifestyle, the physique improvements can be maintained over the long term. A steady, consistent and daily approach will prevent the agony of short-term weight loss followed by a quick regain of weight and the accompanying depression and feeling of hopelessness. Training and eating like a bodybuilder works, becomes habit-forming and eventually gives one a real sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

 Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss
Click to See More Detail Unusual Tips and Foods to Lose Your Stomach Fat

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Specifications

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

We like to adhere to the KISS (keep it simple, smart guy) principle when it comes to meal plans. So let's not going to get too technical. We're just going to lay it out for you. First of all, you should eat smaller meals, 5-6 times per day, 2 ½ -3 hours apart. This will keep your metabolism going and provide your muscles (stimulated by short, intense workouts) fed with nutrients required for growth. These meals will consist of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Proper protein intake will vary according to age, gender, goals and so on. Generally speaking, each meal should contain between 25-50 grams of protein. A rule of thumb is that a healthy male trying to promote lean muscle mass should ingest 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Therefore, if your body weight is 200 pounds, a daily intake of 300 grams of protein (6 meals with 50 grams of protein each) would be required. The key is that if you are training hard, you need protein.

Sources for protein include lean meats, fish, egg whites, low fat cottage cheese and whey protein. Avoid fatty meats and try to grill your meats and do not fry them in fat. Remember to include a protein selection at each meal.

When discussing carbohydrates, it is vital to distinguish between the different types of carbs. For this discussion we will identify 3 different types of carbs: complex carbs include potatoes, yams, bread, cereals, grains, pasta and rice; simple carbs include most fruit and veggie carbs which include most vegetables and leafy greens.

Fats are also a necessity but should come from the following sources: extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, nuts (almonds are best) and fish oil. The diet is very simple. For every meal, choose a portion from the protein group, the complex carb group and the veggie carb group. A good rule of thumb is that a serving size for your protein and carbs should be about the size of your fist. Have a serving of fats at 2-3 meals per day and only have simple carbs first thing in the morning at breakfast and immediately following your workout. Actually, it's critical to have a post workout shake with whey protein and a simple carb like a banana. Bring it to the gym with you and have it while the sweat is still on your body.

Now to fine tune this diet you can do this: if you are trying to increase muscle mass and not worried too much about losing fat, eat as above. However, if you wish to accelerate fat burning, do not eat complex carbs at your last 2-3 meals of the day. Lean protein (chicken breast or fish) and salads or chunky veggies (broccoli and asparagus are excellent choices) will do the trick.

Let's take this one step further. Here is a magic formula for extreme lean muscle mass and fat burning. For three days in a row, come hell or high water, only eat complex carbs first thing in the morning (a serving of oatmeal will do it) and immediately after your workout. On the fourth day, eat a ton of carbs. Actually cheat on this day. Eat whatever you want, but ensure that you eat sufficient protein and lots of complex carbs. This is the time to eat pizza, pasta, cake and so on.

This three day off, one day on carbs has produced fantastic results in many bodybuilders. We like it because any cravings we can put off until our "carb" day (which isn't really that far off in the future) and then indulge at that time. The secret is to remain strict on the low carb days. This takes planning, preparation and discipline. You can do it. Once you start to see the results you get from this carbohydrate manipulation, you will find it much easier to stick to it.

This meal plan should produce such dramatic results so quickly that your friends will be asking you what you are "on". The real secret is daily discipline. Take it one day at a time. Eat right according to the principles outlined above, manipulate your cab intake and train with intensity focusing on basic, heavy movements. This is the bodybuilding lifestyle. Engage in it and change your life, long-term and for the better.

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Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Right Way to Exercise

The Right Way to Exercise

The Right Way to Exercise


The Right Way to Exercise

There has always been the question what is the best way to get in shape , build a nice looking body and don't use extreme measures to achieve this. An important part is the way you do your exercises. In the gym you can find both free weights and machines. I can told you from my experience that the most important thing is the way you execute your training not the kind of weights you are using.
You can work your muscles hard both with free weights and machines. I found it easier to cheat when using just weights and because you can't always coordinate your moves you may found yourself doing the exercises wrong. This is not only bad for your training session but can even cause damage to your body. Like your back or arms.

The Right Way to Exercise

Maybe a professional body builder will make it that far that he doesn't even need the bench or any machines for that matter but for most of you people out there that don't want to become a professional athlete this is just to much. You have them at your disposal, they weren't invented for nothing and with a good training you'll get in shape in no time. You shouldn't avoid free weight by no means if you are at home or the gym is crowded.

The Right Way to Exercise
The Right Way to Exercise

Mixing them together is probably the best thing to do. You can combine the free weights exercises with other like bench presses, bent over rows or shoulder presses. Stick to a weekly routine and change it from month to month. Don't over train. You should even consider taking some supplements like proteins between you meals to help you coup with the effort.

 The Right Way to Exercise

The Right Way to Exercise
Click to See More Detail Unusual Tips and Foods to Lose Your Stomach Fat

The Right Way to Exercise

The Right Way to Exercise Specifications

The Right Way to Exercise

The Right Way to Exercise

As a conclusion I can say that body building machines will help your muscles define, because they will force you to exercise the right way. But to build a body mass you need to do all types of exercises, eat health foods and get a lot of rest. Those factors in the perfect combination will help you achieve the body you dream off.

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The Right Way to Exercise

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts


Bodybuilding Workouts

Don't Stretch Your Routine

Bodybuilding Workouts

While you will be told by many that bodybuilding involves spending rigorous hours of training at the gym, it actually is not quite true. An hour a day is just about fine. Your bodybuilding workout routine should fall anywhere between 45 and 75 minutes. You can start with a shorter routine but work your way up over time. However, you should understand that the amount of time you put in the gym is not directly proportional to the amount of lean muscle mass that you gather. When we exercise our bodies release muscle building and fat burning hormones such as testosterone. However the level of such hormones being released in our body sharply reduces after around 75 minutes. Pushing your body beyond that time would only mean that you are risking yourself to injury and not much else.

Bodybuilding Workouts
Bodybuilding Workouts

Don't Relax

 Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts
Click to See More Detail Unusual Tips and Foods to Lose Your Stomach Fat

Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts Specifications

Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts

To many of you, 60 or 75 minutes of workout might sound a bit too little. But you must remember that you can gain significant time by cutting down on the rest you take between two sets of exercises. In fact, you should try to keep the rest period down to 90 seconds between two sets. There are quite a few positives if you do so. First of all, it allows you to have more time to finish your entire workout within the stipulated 60 or 75 minutes. Secondly, cutting down on the rest break improves your cardiovascular system greatly. It learns to handle more pressure and you make significant gains on your stamina. Thirdly, it has also been suggested that a training with very short rest breaks helps in stimulating the output of our growth hormones, crucial to build lean muscle mass.

Keep Things Under Control

Once you know for sure exactly what you are looking for through your bodybuilding workout routine you will decide on the number of repetitions that you need to do for each set. The general wisdom is that you should do at least 8-15 repetitions if you are only looking at gaining muscle mass. However, if you want that perfect body with every part of your body being exactly what it should be, then you will need to do anywhere between 15 and 25 repetitions of each set. There are quite a few advantages in doing repetitions of each set.

First of all, when you undertake to do so many repetitions it is obvious that you will be working with weights that you can handle. The result is that there is a far lesser chance of getting injured this way. With too heavy a weight you will not be able to do so many repetitions.

Secondly, with these numbers of repetitions you allow your muscles to receive the maximum amount of blood. When you are exercising the cardiovascular system springs into action and makes sure that there is enough blood reaching the parts which are under the most stress. Blood is sent to these parts to carry nutrients that are vital to nourish the muscle cells. The nutrients help the muscle cells to recover and aid them to grow bigger.

Thirdly, research has shown that performing bodybuilding exercises in these repetition ranges allows for the maximum fat loss and gain in muscle mass, the most important criteria for bodybuilding.

Add Variety

However good your bodybuilding workout routine is, you must add variations to it as otherwise not only will you get bored of it and lose focus, but it will also not help you in gaining muscle. With no muscle growth, the purpose of exercising is lost. So it is suggested that you change your routine after every 3-4 weeks. This way you will stay focused and will also gain on muscles.

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Bodybuilding Workouts